
Tuesday 22 February 2011

Bring me sunshine.

"The spring is sprung, the grass is riz".
I'm not wondering where the birdies is, I can hear them, and it's great!
Well it feels like spring may be on the way, though as we are still only mid March anything can still happen. I remember when I was ten it snowed heavily at the beginning of March. And I can believe anything of the weather these days. Especially as I'm now reading Kim Stanley Robinsons book 'Fifty degrees below' - where it goes that cold in Washington (the USA Washington). We had a record low here in December - minus 15 centigrade.

We've got crocuses, and one solitary snowdrop (where are all the others I planted last year?) The daffodils are getting tall. Usually they are in flower before my mothers birthday on March tenth, but they were late last year. The mungo tree is budding.

Life is looking good.

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