I was walking home after dropping the boys at school. There is a small cul de sac near school where I sometimes park if I'm take them by car (disclaimer - only if the weather is awful or I'm going on somewhere else after the school run!) So heading down this road I strolled past a silver Ford Focus and noted in passing that it had a numberplate like ours. No... it had the same numberplate..
what the.... Hang on - note scratches on side, sticker on back. That is our car.
So how did it get ten minutes walk from our house?
Then I remember. Yesterday I was planning on taking the boys to the local shops after school, and it was raining so I drove to pick them up. And by the time I'd got into school the sun had come out, so we went to the nearby play area... and walked home. Leaving the car sitting sadly forgotten in the cul de sac.
Is this the start of dementia?
I am just so glad I noticed it the next moning, as I needed it later that day, and would have been panicking like crazy if I couldn't have found it in our street. Cue calls to the police insurance firm, confessing to Himself that I'd lost the car..... The funny thing is that Himself didn't notice it was missing from our street that night either. Thankfully. I haven't told him yet.
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