This post isn't about anything particular, it's just about catching up, about bits and pieces that have happened to us recently.
Tigs announced this morning that he was going to cycle to the Tower of London. He was leaving immediately, and would be wearing his Union Jack socks. I am not asking him what else he planned to wear - if anything?? Fortunately I was successful in persuading him to wait until after school. On the way to school he decided that he would climb Everest after his London trip. He is obsessed with visiting the Tower, and also with all things Star Wars at the moment. He has also taught himself to play the first few lines of the carol 'Once In Royal David's City' on the keyboard. He cannot read music so we know he wasn't cheating. That was one proud mummy moment! Himself persuaded him to do it again and caught it on video, so we can embarrass him with it when he's a famous musician.
Pup saw the physiotherapist last week, and she is really pleased with him. He is getting a lot stronger. In particular she noticed that his hands are much less flexible; until recently you could bend his fingers backwards about 60 degrees (without hurting him I hasten to add!) Now they are a lot better. I really hope his fine manipulation skills will improve accordingly. I am not sure what Pup is 'into' at the moment, he usually just plays with whatever is available. He is getting a bit keener on reading, to my great relief - he confessed to me this morning that he forgot to put his bedroom light out until 9 o'clock because he was reading. I did not have the heart to tell him off, especially as I was a veteran 'under the blankets' reader as a kid.
Tigs told us at teatime the other day "Pup needs more ketchup because he has cystic fibrosis." He said it without any apparent resentment. I am so glad he is learning this now, and does not seem to mind - at the moment, anyway. He told his teacher last term about how Pup needed more food than everyone else. We have tried to avoid making a big issue of this with Tigs, and I am surprised that he has noticed. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised; he can be a very observant boy. He did comment amazedly at Grandma house the other day "I didn't know grown ups needed to take meds, I thought it was only children!" (After seeing grandads stockpile of pills.) That is what living with a CF brother does to you. :-(
It is wet wet wet here. Water butts are all filled up andthe garden looking very damp. Our tadpolarium is overflowing. Ironically we are in the middle of a drought; there is a local hosepipe ban. The soil has been so dry and our local stream has only run intermittently for months - until 2 days ago.
I met with Pup's teacher on Monday. He kept reassuring me that Pup is
very intelligent. He just needs to get down to doing some actual work
in class. And to learn to write. And to improve his maths a bit, and to
learn to shut up and sit down and NOT to take over the class. (He just has to be in control in all situations and cannot remember that he is not the teacher.)
However his verbal skill are well above average, he is excellent at
expressing himself and putting 'spin' on things. And he always uses ten
words when one would do. I just wish he could get on better with his classmates.
Himself has had a bug, but is thoroughly 'aunty-botted' and now on the mend. The four-footed members of the household have been so frustrated by the rain and not being able to go out that we've had more than the usual number of scraps and some very bad language between them. And I just seem to run at a low level of tiredness all the time at the moment. And I've only got 2 kids.
Sounds like a whole load of positives! I'm pretty sure Mini would love to cycle to the Tower of London (he's just learning how to ride) with Tigs, so if he's up for company... ;-)