
Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Snow Business

 We didn't do as well - or as badly - as the North East and Scotland maybe - but we had a very respectable half inch of the white stuff.

Sadly it's already gone. I should be happy, as no doubt many accidents will be avoided, many journeys will be eased by the thaw. But I do love it, snowfall makes the world new (until it turns to slush). I love most seeing freshly fallen snow on the trees (until I walk under one at the wrong moment)

There has been a lot of ice underfoot. Boys have not yet discovered the fun of ice sliding. They were pretty excited though when they looked outside the first snow morning. Tigs who is 4 hated snow in January. He has now had a sudden conversion experience. Pup who is 7 already loves it, although he complains that snowballs are cold. Er  - yes!
Everywhere is cold. Temperatures struggled above freezing twice in the last week. Coldest recorded in our garden so far has been minus 8.

Since I last wrote we've had our wedding anniversary (14th), S's birthday, and today was Isaacs preschool nativity  play.
The Nativity  was the usual trauma - why do the staff put themselves through it? 
  • Mary got pulled off her seat by a small heckler in mid play, and a fight ensued. 
  • Another fight broke out between a wise man and a cow over possession of some gold.
  • Many of the angels (the smallest kids)were screaming on stage.
  • One of the bears - my own Tigs - had his ears on backwards. A cow had his eyes totally covered by his  mask for the entire performance. Didn't seem to bother him.
  • They all looked totally bewildered, most of them did not sing; even Tigs who is music mad, and has been singing the songs non stop at home for the last 3 weeks.
  • and half of them spotted their mums in the audience and wanted OUT. NOW. A few did make successful escapes.
Despite all this the staff kept calm, and somehow it was still a happy event.

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